Tuula Antola
Boardman partner
Tuula Antola, M.Sc. (Tech.) and an eMBA, is a connector of future talent and skills needed, with a diverse leadership experience from both the private and public sector. Antola works as a leader for municipal education and training consortium Omnia. Before Omnia, Antola worked as a business manager and member of the executive bord for the City of Espoo.
Antola has worked in startups as a co-founder, CEO, member of the board and a chairman of the board (InnoSpa, Kaipaus Finland, Powerkiss). She has also worked as a marketing and development manager (Corporate Image) and as a headhunter in globally operating direct search companies (Amrop International and Heldrick & Struggles).
Antola has experience from board work for two decades. At the moment, she works as a chairman of the board for Omnia Education Partnerships Oy and as a board member of Wenhe Oy, Skills Finland ry and AMKE ry.
In addition, she also has previous experience in public benefit organizations, such as the International Design Foundation, Aalto University alumni, Urkuyö and Aaria ry.
- Partner and member of the board of B2020, 2006–2008.
- Kasvun haasteet – Kasvuyritysten rakentaminen ja hallinta (Boardman, 2007).
- General management at public entities and corporations
- Building and managing an open and living strategy
- Management of renewal and innovation
- Combining skills and knowledge in a new creating way
- Research and development interfaces for the changing needs of society and working life
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