The Responsible Investor on the agenda of the board
“The Responsible INVESTOR on the agenda of the board” webinar was organised by the Boardman Development Group on Responsibility on the Agenda of the Board and Management.
The webinar had Magnus Billing, the CEO of Alecta Sweden and Annukka Nieminen, the founder and the CEO of the Upright Project as guest speakers. Boardman partner Lauri Rosendahl moderated the webinar.
The topic itself is very timely, as companies are shifting into more sustainable thinking and focusing on ESG-reporting.
Magnus Billing, the CEO of Alecta Sweden, presented about sustainability as a part of an investment strategy.
According to Billing the key sustainability drivers that need to take in consideration are customers, regulation, and portfolio companies.
To integrate sustainability drivers to a strategy, companies should be willing to take risks by applying sustainability drivers in order to gain opportunities.
Billing also pointed out that in order to build more sustainable investment strategy, reactive and proactive engagement is important.
Billing’s presentation created some conversation in the audience, for example, how to evaluate management and board in sustainability matters.
The CEO of Upright Project, Annukka Nieminen, presented about how to measure company’s impact.
The presentation included concrete information that can help companies to build more sustainable strategy.
The presentation introduced five requirements that should be taken into consideration, for example, reporting of the science-based impact of the company.
Nieminen also pointed out that only looking at the CO2 emissions is not enough.
The Upright Project’s net impact model was presented, which helps to measure company’s impact on different factors, such as society, health, or environment.
Nieminen expressed that her and the Upright Project’s dream is to have all the science-based impact data easily available for all the consumers.
The presentation about measuring the impact started discussion as well, for example about impact accounting. Nieminen pointed out that Upright Project does impact accounting because it helps companies to think about their impact and sort out data that the company might not have.
The webinar underlined the importance of sustainability to investors and how companies should go out of their comfort zone and take risks to improve.