Board Buddy Program 2025 Opening Event
25.03.2025 - 25.03.2025 | On-site in Helsinki
The Board Buddy program is a peer mentoring initiative where Boardman pairs its international members with Finnish board members. The program was piloted first time in 2024, and it was so succesfull that we decided to continue the program in 2025.
When and where?
The opening event for 2025’s Board Buddy program is organized on March 25, 2025, from 4 PM to 6 PM, at Boardman’s office (Urho Kekkosen Katu 2 C, 7th floor, 00100 Helsinki)
Speakers and agenda
Last year’s program participant, René Graichen, will host the event and share his experiences from the Board Buddy program together with Heini Pirttijärvi. At the event, we will cover best practice guidelines. The event provides participants an opportunity to connect.
Rene Graichen, COO at Plugit Oy & Boardman Member
René Graichen is the COO of Plugit Finland and a Boardman member. He is an operational expert who creates high-performing organizations and enables strategy implementation. As a Digital Ambassador, he uses disruptive technologies as an opportunity to reinvent business models. He is holding keynotes on several international events about operations and digitalization.
Heini Pirttijärvi, Partner, Boardman
Heini Pirttijärvi (MSc in Economics) has over 20 years of experience in leadership roles within social and healthcare, therapy services, and retail sectors in various companies. She has served as the CEO of Esperi Care, Business Director at Saga Care, CEO of Evidensia Veterinary Services, and held multiple sales and HR leadership positions at Stockmann in Finland and Russia.
Prttijärvi serves on the boards of FCG Finnish Consulting Group Oy, Parmaco Group Oy, Heltti Oy, Sininauha Oy, Kantamo Oy, Sinirauhasäätiö and Kaisa Kallion kansalaislahjasäätiö (Kaisankoti).
More information
An invitation to attend the opening event will be sent for selected pairs via email.
For more information, please contact Karoliina Kuhalampi by email at